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labs exercise - 5.1 : Configure the Deployment: ConfigMaps

Hi Team,
I am working on the labs in my local environment. I need to know how I can get '$HOME/app1/simpleapp.yaml'(ie simpleapp.yaml) file locally.

In this page - https://cm.lf.training/LFD259/
Able to download - LFD259_V2024-09-20_SOLUTIONS.tar.xz
But it has only - simpleapp.yaml-with-edits file.

Can some one guide me. Please guide how to get the above mentioned file.

-Amarnath R


  • Hi @amarrajend,

    I would recommend revisiting lab exercise 3.2. Part of this exercise you should have generated the required simpleapp.yaml manifest in the path specified. The lab guide PDF is a searchable document and it is easy to locate the manifest references.


  • @chrispokorni said:
    Hi @amarrajend,

    I would recommend revisiting lab exercise 3.2. Part of this exercise you should have generated the required simpleapp.yaml manifest in the path specified. The lab guide PDF is a searchable document and it is easy to locate the manifest references.


    Hi Chris,

    Thanks for the information. Let me check.

    Amarnath R


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