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CronJob deadline in the wrong line in lab document

Hi guys,

Exercise 4.3: Creating a CronJob with job deadline, in the lab document, instruction says the activeDeadlineSeconds should be in line 6.
But I think it should be in line 4, same indent with template.

If it is defined in line 6 then jobs never terminate, status is RUNNING forever. With definition in line 4, job will fail with message: Job was active longer than specified deadline, which is the goal of this deadline setting right?



  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,324

    Hi @dutran,

    Between the Job and CronJob exercises we are presented with two distinct use cases of the activeDeadlineSeconds property. The first instance affects the Job object in its entirety, while the second instance affects each individual Pod of the Job scheduled by the CronJob.

    Seeing how the numbers don't quite add up and result in failed Jobs, they both could be treated as a critical thinking exercises. Knowing the expected number of completions, the given parallelism, and the duration of each task (Pod), what are the optimal activeDeadlineSeconds values that ensure consistently successful completions (for the Job and CronJob exercises respectively)? ;)



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