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sudo:user:add command not found


I am trying to follow along Lesson 10 - authentication and authorization demo guide, but I got stack on the command to create a new user.

I would appreciate if someone could help me out.

Thank you


  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,324

    Hi @josepmaria,

    Both the demo guide and the demo video present a different command for user management. Please follow the guide as presented.
    If you chose to deviate from the provided instructions ensure you are proficient with the substituted commands.


  • Hi @chrispokorni ,

    Thanks for your quick answer.

    I am afraid I cannot find the instruction on how to create user through a different command.

    I would be grateful if you could kindly let me know in which lesson this information is provided.

    I have just reviewed from Lesson 10, lessons "Authentication, Authorization and Admission Demo Guide (1-6)" as well as the demo video "Demo: Authentication and Authorization" , but I could not find it.

    I do not aim to deviate from the provided instructions, and if I did I apologise, it was not on purpose.


    Josep Maria

  • Hi @chrispokorni ,

    True, both video and guidelines use the command :

    $ sudo useradd -s /bin/bash bob

    Unfortunately, when running Kubernetes from macos, this command is not accepted.

    On my former message I had sent a snapshot of an alternative command I tried (without success) to overcome the problem I am facing with "sudo useradd".


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