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kube-proxy part of control plane node or not?

In the course materials everywhere there is kube-proxy present on control plane nodes

However looking at official Kubernetes docs https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/components/

kube-proxy IS NOT a part of control plane.

So which statement is true?


  • the first picture is more accurate. I guess, the official docs imply that the node's components run on the cp as well. You can see that kubelet is not explicitly shown on the cp, but obviously nothing can run without kubelet.

  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,419

    Hi @dessite,

    While the official Kubernetes documentation is slightly ambiguous when describing the kubelet and kube-proxy agents, upon deploying your own cluster you will discover that the control plane node has its own kubelet and kube-proxy node agents.



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