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Servers for lab

Hello! I would like to know if any environments (servers) are provided for the duration of the courses?


  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,218

    Hi @sibiryak

    Learners are responsible for setting up the lab environment using the instructions provided in the lab exercises.

    Linux Foundation Education

  • praveenkum
    praveenkum Posts: 4

    Hello can i use minikube for practice or aws instance for practice , please suggest

  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,415

    Hi @praveenkum,

    AWS EC2 or GCP GCE instances are best suited for this class. However, Azure VMs, DigitalOcean Droplets, and IBM Cloud Virtual Servers can also be used.

    Local hypervisors can also be used to successfully provision a lab environment. Learners have been able to complete the lab exercises on VMs provisioned through VirtualBox, KVM, VMware Workstation and Player, Hyper-V.

    Minikube's automation prevents several Kubernetes features from performing as presented in the class lectures, therefore it is not recommended for this class.


  • praveenkum
    praveenkum Posts: 4

    thank you.


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