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All objects are restricted to a single namespace. True or False?

Can someone ellaborate on this? I think every object must be in a single namespace (default or any other) and cannot be in two namespaces at the same time. Is there an exception for this?

Best Answer

  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,415
    Answer ✓

    Hi @ilmx,

    The exception is/are the non-namespaced objects, that live clusterwide - visible to all namespaces. For a list of all namespaced and clusterwide objects, run the following command:

    kubectl api-resources

    For additional output, try the command with the -o wide flag.



  • spljaa
    spljaa Posts: 2

    There are cluster wide resources, aren't there?
    If some object is on namespace level then I haven't notice option to be multiple namespaces ;)
    ClusterRole would be one without namespace at all:
    I'm not native English, and my personal opinion is that such questions are hard to translate.
    I would go with False answer as zero is not "single". However if object has an namespace attribute, then it is single...

  • ilmx
    ilmx Posts: 18

    Thanks! I understand now.
    It is a tricky question. All objects are restricted to a single namespace EXCEPT those that cannot belong to a namespace. Clear now.


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