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Package management in the exam - can I limit my focus


I will be using Centos for the exam distribution. Will I be questioned on the package management tools from the other systems or may I focus on the high- and low level tools for Centos Stream?



  • mstepien
    mstepien Posts: 462
    edited September 17

    Hi @jnthn,

    Please direct any exam-related questions to trainingsupport.linuxfoundation.org. This forum should be used only for course content-related discussions.


    Linux Foundation Education Team

  • jnthn
    jnthn Posts: 8

    Thanks Magda. I've raised a ticket with exam support.

    The link in your reply is broken at the time of replying to you. It thinks the link is a forum thread


  • mstepien
    mstepien Posts: 462

    Thank you for letting me know about the broken link. I've fixed it, and it should now work as expected. Good luck with your exam preparations!

  • jnthn
    jnthn Posts: 8

    For completeness sake, here's the answer I recieved from traning support

    "The LFCS Exam was refreshed and new content released on May 11, 2023.

    As part of The Linux Foundation's commitment to making exams distribution-agnostic, the LFCS exam content is now independent of distribution-specific tasks."

    I've revisited the other package management tools and will be studying the entirity of the 207 curriculum


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