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Lab 14.6. Scheduling a Periodic Task with cron


From previous knowledge, I so far created any coronjobs with the "crontab -e" command. According to the solution in Lab 14.6. I'm supposed to create a crontab file named "mycrontab". But where do I have to create this file? In /etc/crontab.d/?



  • Hi @albiurs,

    But where do I have to create this file? In /etc/crontab.d/?

    Crontab can read a file and create a crontab based on the instructions of it. So, in this case we are using a file called "mycrontab" to store and pass instructions to crontab. For that reason it can be anywhere, because it will be read just once, then a new crontab file will be created in the appropriate place.



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