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Reading Memory Temperatures with i2c-tools

I am trying to read the temperatures of two DDR4 SDRAMS on my motherboard via Ubuntu 22. I confirmed that there is a temperature sensor in my memories.

I can reach these memory temperatures with the HwInfo program on other OS(not a Linux), but the i2c-tools I use to read SPDs on Ubuntu does not work.

When I scan with i2cdetect, there is no change in the i2c addresses displayed when I remove and insert one or two of the memories. As far as I understand, my memories are not detected at all. I try to read the displayed addresses just in case. Although their labels are temperatures, it was clear that they were not memory addresses.
When i run decode-dimms the eeprom driver says the detected dimm does not exist:

“Number of SDRAM DIMMs detected and decoded: 0“

While trying it with ee1004 and at24, it returns a hardware not supported error:

“No eeprom found, the kernel probably does not support your hardware.”

Can anyone give me an idea on how can I read temperatures?


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