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Lab 2.2 on arm64 (M3 Macs and similar)

stefanobaghino Posts: 4
edited September 2024 in LFD259 Class Forum

Since I have a lot of RAM available on my Mac laptop, I decided to run the course on it, spinning up VMs. Initially I tried to virtualize the native arm64 architecture of my M3, but the k8scp.sh script failed because the image for containerd couldn't be found (I tried to install it manually, the apt search command did show it but apt install couldn't get it -- it took me a while to realize that that was likely because the target architecture of the package was amd64).

Even though installing is a lot slower, emulating an amd64 worked for me. I hope the reduced performance will not end up causing problems down the road.


  • I'm not sure how this happened, but I posted this on the wrong forum. This was supposed to go to the LFD259 forum. I don't see a way to delete this. If you are an admin, feel free to do so. Apologies for the confusion.

  • Ok, I know what happened: I used the search box thinking it would have searched in the "current" forum, but it actually searches across the courses. In looking for a similar question before posting I ended up on the forum of a different course.

  • Hi @stefanobaghino,

    When installing any software package and/or running container images on a machine powered by an ARM processor, pay close attention to the package's target architecture. Typically the strings "arm" or "arm64" will indicate the correct package or container image for your system.



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