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Lab 3.5 I cannot access the nginx web page from outside

palao Posts: 2
edited 2024 21 in LFS258 Class Forum

I have followed all the labs up to chapter 3 but I cannot complete Lab 3.5: the web page is not accessible from outside.
From my desktop I get this:

$ curl
curl: (56) Recv failure: Connection reset by peer

Of course, something similar happens with firefox.
31412 comes from kubectl get svc:

student@cp:~$ kubectl get svc
NAME         TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)        AGE
kubernetes   ClusterIP       <none>        443/TCP        4d21h
nginx        LoadBalancer   <pending>     80:31412/TCP   21m

The external IP I got from ifconfig.io:

student@cp:~$ curl ifconfig.io

In the introduction of Lab 3.5 it is written:

You can access a Service from outside the cluster using a DNS add-on or environment variables. We will use environment variables to gain access to a Pod.

But I have not seen any step in the exercise to do that. Or it was not clear to me that I was doing it...

Any idea how to fix this?

PS in this post I have replaced my actual IP to avoid problems.


  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,415

    Hi @palao,

    Assuming your bootstrapping and configuration closely follows the lab guide, do you get a response when running curl from either the cp or the worker node, by targeting the Service Cluster IP?


    To get a better picture of your cluster's state, please provide the outputs of the following commands:

    kubectl get nodes -o wide
    kubectl get pods -A -o wide
    kubectl describe svc nginx

    What infrastructure is hosting your Kubernetes cluster? Are there any firewalls that may block ingress to your VMs? What is the guest OS running your VMs?


  • palao
    palao Posts: 2
    edited 2024 22

    Hello, @chrispokorni
    That was it, the firewall!
    Sorry, but I don't get used to that type of stupid blocks from our firewall...
    Thank you for your help,



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