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In Lab 3.2, why do the local repository images get cleared once the nodes are rebooted?

I'm aware that a persistent volume claim has been assigned to the "registry" pod as per the easyregistry.yml file. When I delete the "registry" pod, the repository images will still exist once the pod restarts. However, when the nodes are rebooted, then the "registry" pod will have all repository images cleared. Why is that ?


  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,393

    Hi @kalanasuraweera,

    The PVC object does not define the actual storage mechanism, nor it guarantees the persistence of the stored data. It is the PV storage plugin (or CSI driver) that is responsible to implement the data persistence. The hostPath plugin in our case (for both PV objects) uses the /tmp/ file system, which unfortunately is wiped at reboot. That is the why the container image artifacts disappear after a reboot. You may try a different directory altogether for different results.



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