Welcome to the Linux Foundation Forum!


Hi guys,
I'm excited to be here at the start of my journey into Linux Kernel development. It is awe inspiring to learn how much great work the Linux Foundation is up to, but more so, the thousands of ordinary people contributing to it!
I can't wait to get going and hope we can share some adventures together in the near future.


  • rajeshrah22
    rajeshrah22 Posts: 1

    Hi, I am also new! Wish you the best with your journey.

  • Thanks Rajesh, wishing you the best as well.

    Have you managed to compile the kernel yet? I've compiled branch linux-5.19.y, but not yet booted as there are some warnings that I'm looking at.

    It wasn't as scary as I thought it was going to be!

    After learning about the kernel properly, my next target is the Android Open Source Project. I want to play with this code base to find out how useful open source Android is.


  • chijy
    chijy Posts: 2

    Hello, hello, glad to be here learning the Linux Kernel development.

  • Hi Chijy,
    Welcome from a brand new newbie - me :-)
    Wishing you all the best!

  • chijy
    chijy Posts: 2

    Thank you Justinlisol,
    Looking forward to my future with Linux Kernel

  • welcome to Linux, Justin.

  • Thanks huahuarenesas,
    Very excited to be here!!


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