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Technical issue during CKA exam

Hi ,

Today while I was taking exam and after 25 min, exam session got automatically closed and I was completely out that I could not even talk to support. "Myportal" showing me that I have completed exam but the fact is how can I complete exam in just 25 min(If I want to pass exam). I remember I have not clicked any button like "end exam " or something.

While logging a ticket for LF I am getting a message

**Current Status

The Linux Foundation is currently experiencing a system outage that is affecting candidate's access to their Training & Certification Products.

We respond to each inquiry in the order received and DUPLICATE TICKETS ARE NOT REQUIRED. **

I hope LF will check and find the issue and reset my counts of attempts since this will be totally unfair if I lose attempt because of technical problems like the above mentioned.


  • mstepien
    mstepien Posts: 489

    Hi @tiwari.pratima,

    We apologize that you encountered issues during your exam. If you already opened a ticket at trainingsupport.linuxfoundation.org, the Linux Foundation Customer Support team will be assisting you in rescheduling your exam at a later time. Please note that it can take several business days (no holidays or weekends) for the Support team to respond.

    Best regards,


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