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Kubernetes dashboard bearer token


I can't seem to verify my token, keep getting this error, anyone have an idea?

I have created an sa account and a secret.


  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,419

    Hi @wzoutendijk,

    Unless you are planning to use the token in an application pod, there is no need to create a secret to store it, that is the reason why the lab guide no longer references the secret resource.

    The sa alone has no permissions granted. The clusterrolebinding is the resource you need to in order to assign permissions to the sa.

    Step 4 of the dashboard configuration lab shows you how to list existing sa objects and how to assign permissions. The sa should have been created part of the dashboard installation process. The commands presented assume you installed the dashboard following the lab guide. If the dashboard was installed by a different method, the command in step 4 may need to be altered to fit your environment.



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