PSI "Launch" not working/unavailable before CKA.
Hello everybody,
I am a beginner in this field that raised money over 6 months to be able to purchase CKA exam.
After studying and grinding the day has come for the first attempt.
I can not describe in words the feelings that I have right now after spending 2 hours refreshing and trying everything in order for the PSI "Launch" button and then Secure browser to start but no success. Every time before the official exam time(3pm) would lead to the same error(check screenshots).
When finally we reached 3pm when I should have started the exam, the "Take exam" button from Linux Foundation disappeared completely and the one from PSI portal became greyed out/unavailable.
I really understand that problems may occur and this was a bug, problem, issue and currently waiting for an answer.
My actual concern is: How should I take the exam? What will guarantee me that I will be able to take the exam without spending a ton of money on entries (money that I do not have) in order to be able to obtain what I initially paid for.
I paid for CKA, how should I take the exam and what can ensure this happens?
You can see in the screenshots that I have tried everything using 2 different browsers(ofc Chrome is the first option since is the one recommended), normal mode, incognito, internet speed test is not an issue, restarted the PC, cleared the cache&cookies, nothing..
I thank you in advance for the "Please open a ticket" response/reply, but like I mentioned above: How much money should I spend in order to be able to take 1 exam. Currently my CKA progress is stuck, nor failed, nothing...
Hi @nelutriesit
We apologize for the issues you encountered with the exam. If you have not done so yet, please go ahead and open a ticket with the Linux Foundation Customer Support team at and they will assist you in rescheduling the exam at no additional cost. Response time can take several business days.
Please note that forums are meant to be used exclusively for course content related questions, and are not monitored by the Support team, which handles all exam-related questions and issues.
Linux Foundation Training Team0 -
Thank you so much for the fast reply and I am really sorry that maybe I have posted in the wrong category/sub but I am really desperate and since nothing has worked so far I am clueless.
I opened the ticket as soon as I faced the first issue.
I really do hope that something can be done in this situation because I am really afraid that I have no guarantees that I can take this exam smoothly.
All the best,
Antonio Paraschiv0 -
Hi @nelutriesit
Please do not apologize, as there is no need to. Rest assured that once the LF Support team starts working on your ticket they will help you in rescheduling the exam and will provide more information as to what you can do.
Good luck!
Flavia0 -
You can archive/delete/move the post as per forum rules/categories.
I am curious how can I find out if I can spend my last entry(if LF won
t give me back today
s one) and take the exam in a local center that is certified by you guys?Thank you so much for all the kind words and positivity, Flavia.
0 -
Hi Antonio,
Rest assured that the support team will assist you and you will get back the first attempt. The exam is only available online, via the PSI remote desktop; you cannot take it at a local center.
0 -
Thank you so much, Flavia!
This is the only positive thing that happened to me today
Wish you a peaceful evening and all the best,
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