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Lab 13.3 #8

In the text of the description is says "Using keys we generated in an earlier lab we can also interrogate the API server." Could you tell me what earlier lab that is? I have been through all of them thus far and do not remember this. Also I've had to start from scratch on more than one occasion in regards to my cluster so I will not have everything from all the labs available in my current context. Thanks in advance for pointing me in the right direction.


  • I suppose, they mean the PKI certificates generated by kubeadm in Lab#3 - kubectl uses them to authenticate with the API server

  • rebekah
    rebekah Posts: 9

    Thank you, I'll try that.

  • rebekah
    rebekah Posts: 9
    edited March 2024

    Okay I went through lab 3 - the five sections of it and I'm not sure what you are referring to. I apologize if I am missing something obvious. Would you mind being more specific, like which lab and which exercise number? On another note I do see certs located in /etc/kubernetes/pki but I am not seeing the same names as the ones referenced in this exercise. Would they be stored in a different location?

  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,421

    Hi @rebekah,

    A quick search through the PDF lab guide took me back to lab 5.1, where the key files have been created for API access.


  • rebekah
    rebekah Posts: 9



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