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Disable "QoS and/or fair queueing" - Kernel Compile

edited April 2015 in Networking


I just wanted to know does disabling the "QoS and/or fair queueing" - during Kernel Compile

will reduce unwanted CPU overheads in highspeed packet processing ?

Actually I am in the process of fine-tuning my TrafficSqueezer WAN optimization solution for 1Gbps and 10Gbps (and more) performance. So far I get 1Gbps performance with TrafficSqueezer but at times it fluctuates a bit. I did already lot of optimizations and so I can achieve now 1Gig TrafficSqueezer performance. But I want even more smoother performance.

So in general disabling this will reduce unnecessary CPU overhead and so reduces the packet processing latency in high-speed network ?

cheers, Kiran


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