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[Lab 8] Generate a Chart for the result App

I followed the instructions as provided.
Before presenting the problem, let me confirm the state of the flux namespace

  • All sources (flux get sources all)

  • All helmreleases (including the one thats failing)

*All kustomizations (and notice the error in the flux-system pod)

The steps I followed to get to this point of error:

  • Made a folder inside instavote (/deploy/charts/result)
  • Once inside the result folder, ran helm create release which scaffolded a folder-structure for the Helm chart I am trying to create

  • Made changes to the values.yaml file (ClusterIP was turned to NodePort and the repo was set to schoolofdevops/vote-result).

With all the moving pieces in place, I tried

flux create helmrelease release\
--interval=10m \
--source=GitRepository/instavote \
--chart = ./deploy/charts/result \
--target-namespace= instavote

****NOTE: the guide had --source=GitRepository/vote and realizing its a typo, I changed to instavote******

On pressing Enter, the reconciliation seems to get hung and when I see logs, I see the error below:

error Kustomization/flux-system.flux-system - Reconciliation failed after 75.07825ms, next try in 10m0s failed to decode Kubernetes YAML from /tmp/kustomization-705839153/clusters/staging/values.yaml: missing Resource metadata

The message says it cant read values.yaml because of missing Resource metadata ?? Which resource?


  • luisviveropena
    luisviveropena Posts: 1,254

    Hi @usmanlakhani,

    Sorry for taking long in getting back to you, but it's not simple or fast to do a test case for this lab.

    With all the moving pieces in place, I tried


    flux create helmrelease release\
    --interval=10m \
    --source=GitRepository/instavote \
    --chart = ./deploy/charts/result \
    --target-namespace= instavote

    Well, more than the name of the helmrelease of "release" instead "result", I don't see errors in the command. What do you get when you do 'flux get helmreleases'?

    ****NOTE: the guide had --source=GitRepository/vote and realizing its a typo, I changed to >instavote******

    Ok, thanks for telling us, I'll need to check on this.


  • Hello,

    I am experiencing the same issue. The HelmRelease reconciliation hangs...


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