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Lab 4: Can't run a job in AWS free tier

I tried to use the AWS free tier, considering I do not have a GCP account. The free tier instance was a t2.micro. Something I observed was that every time I started a job, the build never finishes successfully. Initially, (naively) thinking it has to be something in my configuration, I tried but to no avail.

Apparently Jenkins alone was consuming over 1Gb of memory and with a running job, my t2.micro ran out of memory. Just in case someone here is stuck on that like I was, try $ free -m or $ top to monitor or observe your resource.

If someone else has more tips for me, please feel free to share. Happy learning!!


  • Hi @gufah,

    How much memory do you have in the VM? In the course we recommend 8GB at least.


  • gufah
    gufah Posts: 2

    It was way below the recommended 8GB. t2.micro offers 1 vCPU 1 GiB Mem. Just to point it out for anyone using the AWS free tier. Also thanks @luisviveropena for the tips

  • Hi @gufah, it's a pleasure!

    And yeah, that VM doesn't have the minimum requirements for this kind of operations.



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