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GCE ssh connection issue

jolymakit Posts: 14
edited January 2024 in LFD259 Class Forum

I followed the GCE e-learning video and I got the enclosed message when I tried to do a SSH connection on my Ubuntu VM.
Could you help me ?

Best Answer

  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,384
    Answer ✓

    Hi @jolymakit,

    Please ensure the ppk key file is supplied at connection time by putty. At times, although it was selected by the user in the connection profile, it does not stick and eventually no key is supplied by putty to the cloud service for authentication.
    I would recommend double checking the ppk key file is found in the "Private key file" field under Connection > SSH > Auth window. If the field is empty, Browse to locate and select the file again, then click the "Open" button.

    If the presented method does not work, you may still connect to your GCE Virtual Machines (VMs) directly from your browser by clicking the "SSH" symbol located at the right of the External IP field of the VM listing in your Google Cloud Console. This will use Google Cloud services generated key pairs to securely connect to the VMs.




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