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VM instance "subnetwork" message

jolymakit Posts: 14
edited January 2024 in LFD259 Class Forum

I have enrolled the CKAD certification e-learning course. I have troubles on setting up the VW instance. I get an error message asking for a subnetwork to be selected, but no subnetwork was set up...
Could you help me ?

Best Answer

  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,396
    Answer ✓

    Hi @jolymakit,

    Thank you for the detailed screenshots. The VPC, Subnet, and Firewall rule appear to be correct. However, I was able to reproduce the error you are reporting.

    The error occurs because you may have omitted the Region and Zone selection, or selected an incorrect Region and Zone at the top of the New VM instance creation page. The selected VM Region has to match the VPC Subnet Region selected earlier. You may revisit the demo video from the introductory chapter for additional configuration details.



  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,206

    This was moved to the LFD259 forum, to ensure it is looked at by the course moderators.

  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,396

    Hi @jolymakit,

    What type of infrastructure are you configuring for labs? Any specific cloud provider or a local hypervisor?


  • As it is explained in the CKAD e-learning video, I'm trying to configure an Ubuntu machine using a WM on GCE.

  • The question is about the e-learning video that seems to be obsolete with GCE. If I don't get any answer, I'm going to ask for a refund.

  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,396

    Hi @jolymakit,

    For Google Cloud on the "Create VPC network" page:

    1 - assign a desired name
    2 - scroll down to "Subnet creation mode"
    3 - select "Custom"
    4 - then click "ADD SUBNET"
    5 - assign a desired name
    6 - from the "Region" dropdown select a desired subnet region and fill in a desired "IPv4 range" as instructed in the video.
    Then continue to follow the instructions of the video guide.

    Please follow the video guides and later the pdf lab guide instructions as closely as possible to avoid any possible issues with the environment or the lab exercises.


  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,396

    Hi @jolymakit,

    We do appreciate your patience while instructors assess your situation and come up with a working solution.

    The Forum does not operate as a live chat. It is monitored by instructors and responses could take up to 24 hours. Response times may take longer based on time of day, day of week, holidays, etc.


  • Hello chrispokorkni,
    Thanks for your reply, but this does not work. I'm getting the same error message.

  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,396

    Hi @jolymakit,

    I attempted to reproduce the reported issue but so far I was not able to. I followed the GCE video and successfully created a VPC, defined a subnet, defined a firewall rule for the VPC, and eventually created a GCE VM in that VPC. None of the steps displayed errors.

    Please provide detailed screenshots of your VPC network details, such as the Overview and Subnets tabs, and the Firewalls tab expanded to show the ingress rule.

    Also, please provide a detailed screenshot of the subnet error message reported earlier.


  • jolymakit
    jolymakit Posts: 14
    edited January 2024

    Hello chrispokorni,
    Please find enclosed screen shots of the following.
    -WM instance (with the error message)
    -VPC presentation
    -VPC firewall
    -VPC subnet

  • Hello @chrispokorni,
    You are write, the selected region on VPC and WM had to be the same.
    I can move on now.
    Thanks for your help.


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