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How to execute linux userspace driver code for infinite time on the target board?

The below code is used to test the uart driver on linux-jetson board which runs only one time,if needed to run multiple times on the board the device needs to be restarted.

include <stdio.h>

include <stdlib.h>

include <fcntl.h>

include <termios.h>

include <string.h>

include <errno.h>

include <limits.h>

include <stdbool.h>

include <unistd.h>

define LOOPBACK_FORMAT "loopback: %s\r\n"


define MAX_READ_SIZE 235


define DEBUG

struct UartDevice {
char* filename;
int rate;

int fd;
struct termios *tty;

int uart_start(struct UartDevice* dev, bool canonical) {
struct termios *tty;
int fd;
int rc;

fd = open(dev->filename, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY);
if (fd < 0) {
printf("%s: failed to open UART device\r\n", func);
return fd;

tty = malloc(sizeof(*tty));
if (!tty) {
printf("%s: failed to allocate UART TTY instance\r\n", func);

memset(tty, 0, sizeof(*tty));


  • Set baud-rate.
    tty->c_cflag |= dev->rate;

/* Ignore framing and parity errors in input. */
tty->c_iflag |= IGNPAR;

/* Use 8-bit characters. This too may affect standard streams,

  • but any sane C library can deal with 8-bit characters. */
    tty->c_cflag |= CS8;

/* Enable receiver. */
tty->c_cflag |= CREAD;

if (canonical) {
/* Enable canonical mode.

  • This is the most important bit, as it enables line buffering etc. /
    tty->c_lflag |= ICANON;
    } else {
    To maintain best compatibility with normal behaviour of terminals,

  • we set TIME=0 and MAX=1 in noncanonical mode. This means that

  • read() will block until at least one byte is available. */
    tty->c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
    tty->c_cc[VMIN] = 1;


  • Flush port.
    tcflush(fd, TCIFLUSH);


  • Apply attributes.
    rc = tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, tty);
    if (rc) {
    printf("%s: failed to set attributes\r\n", func);
    return rc;

dev->fd = fd;
dev->tty = tty;

return 0;

  • Read a string from the UART device.
  • @param dev points to the UART device to be read from

  • @param buf points to the start of buffer to be read into

  • @param buf_len length of the buffer to be read
  • @return - number of bytes read if the read procedure succeeded

    • negative if the read procedure failed
      int uart_reads(struct UartDevice
      dev, char *buf, size_t buf_len) {
      int rc;

rc = read(dev->fd, buf, buf_len - 1);
if (rc < 0) {
printf("%s: failed to read uart data\r\n", func);
return rc;

buf[rc] = '\0';
return rc;


  • Write data to the UART device.
  • @param dev points to the UART device to be written to

  • @param buf points to the start of buffer to be written from

  • @param buf_len length of the buffer to be written
  • @return - number of bytes written if the write procedure succeeded

    • negative if the write procedure failed
      int uart_writen(struct UartDevice
      dev, char *buf, size_t buf_len) {
      return write(dev->fd, buf, buf_len);


  • Write a string to the UART device.
  • @param dev points to the UART device to be written to

  • @param string points to the start of buffer to be written from

  • @return - number of bytes written if the write procedure succeeded

    • negative if the write procedure failed
      int uart_writes(struct UartDevice
      dev, char *string) {
      size_t len = strlen(string);
      return uart_writen(dev, string, len);


  • Stop the UART device.
  • @param dev points to the UART device to be stopped
    void uart_stop(struct UartDevice
    dev) {

int main()
struct UartDevice dev;
int rc;

dev.filename = "/dev/ttyTHS2";
dev.rate = B115200;

rc = uart_start(&dev, false);
if (rc) {
return rc;
char read_data[MAX_READ_SIZE];
char loopback_data[MAX_LOOPBACK_SIZE];
size_t read_data_len;

printf("UART DEMO\r\n");
uart_writes(&dev, "UART DEMO\r\n");

while (1)

read_data_len = uart_reads(&dev, read_data, MAX_READ_SIZE);

if (read_data_len > 0) {
printf("%s", read_data);
snprintf(loopback_data, MAX_LOOPBACK_SIZE, LOOPBACK_FORMAT, read_data);
uart_writes(&dev, loopback_data);



return 0;

Could anyone please help me out what are the changes to be done to execute the above code infinite times?

Thanks and regards,
Imran patan,


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