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Lab 6.3, file permissions issue! First post/question!

Hi everyone! This is my first post and I feel like its a super simple one, in lab 6.3 I've created a file and changed perissions for a new user to be able to write to that file when logged into. However I keep getting "-sh: 1: cannot create /tmp/afile: Permission denied" when I try to echo a new line into the file or save a new line with nano. Any ideas?

These are the files permissions:
getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names

file: tmp/afile

owner: thomas

group: thomas


Thank you!!


  • jma0770
    jma0770 Posts: 4
    edited August 2023

    Hello, coincidentally, I am on the same lab, 6.3, and am experiencing the same issue.
    I can read the file with vi editor, but cannot write to it.
    Also, echo This is a new line >> /tmp/afile is getting a permission denied result.

    My commands are:
    setfacl -m u:testuser:rw /tmp/afile

    getfacl /tmp/afile
    file: tmp/afile
    owner: janderson
    group: janderson

    testuser@Ubuntoo2204:~$ cat /tmp/afile
    This is a file

    testuser@Ubuntoo2204:~$ echo This is a new line >> /tmp/afile
    -bash: /tmp/afile: Permission denied

  • Hi @tpcm and @jma0770,

    For some permissions on /tmp, it's not possible to modify the file. So I created a subdirectory called "test" on /tmp, so it's /tmp/test. I moved the "afile" file to the new directory, /tmp/test. Did the test again and it worked.

    Please confirm if the workaround works for you.


  • jma0770
    jma0770 Posts: 4
    edited August 2023

    Okay, my thought was that the /tmp directory was not allowing x(executable) for the 'other' permission.
    On the /tmp directory, I changed the 'other' or 'world' permission from t(sticky)bit to x via chmod o=rwx /tmp. The original for o was rwt.
    I can now write to the afile file in the /tmp directory.

    I put the t(sticky)bit back onto the /tmp directory for I don't want to change any global/system settings on the directory.

    I tried adding the testuser to the facl on the /tmp directory with rwx, still unable to write to the afile file just using the facl feature by itself.

    I moved the afile to my home directory. My home directory is allowing x for 'world'.
    I added testuser to the facl with rw- on the afile and am able to read/write to it.
    When I remove testuser from the facl, rw permission is denied as expected.

    I don't know if using a system directory is the best way to test the facl feature. But, I'm new to all of this, so I may be way off.

  • luisviveropena
    luisviveropena Posts: 1,249
    edited August 2023

    Hi @jma0770,

    Okay, my thought was that the /tmp directory was not allowing x(executable) for the 'other' >permission.
    On the /tmp directory, I changed the 'other' or 'world' permission from t(sticky)bit to x via chmod >o=rwx /tmp. The original for o was rwt.
    I can now write to the afile file in the /tmp directory.

    That looks too messy.

    So, this is what I did on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and worked for me:

    In window 1:

    1.- echo This is a file > /tmp/afile
    2.- mkdir /tmp/test
    3.- mv /tmp/afile /tmp/test
    4.- setfacl -m u:fool:rw /tmp/test/afile

    In window 2 with user "fool":

    1.- echo another line > /tmp/test/afile

    ==> That worked.


  • jma0770
    jma0770 Posts: 4

    That worked for me as well!

  • @jma0770 that's nice!!


  • tpcm
    tpcm Posts: 6

    @luisviveropena This worked thank you! And the reason it wasn't working before is due to the permissions in the /tmp directory as a whole?

  • Hi @tpcm ,

    This worked thank you!

    It's a pleasure!

    And the reason it wasn't working before is due to the permissions in the /tmp directory as a whole?

    Yep, it's about the Sticky Bit on /tmp.


  • owlln3t
    owlln3t Posts: 1
    edited March 15

    How are you guys using the second window, after sudo su - fool, to even GET to the first window/user's directory? I can't cd in and ls tells me the directory doesn't exist (which is right, because I didn't make a home/fool dir).

    Realized that I needed to cd into the directory BEFORE sudo su , then ls lists "afile".

  • luisviveropena
    luisviveropena Posts: 1,249

    Hi @owlln3t, are you working on Lab 6.3 as well?

    As far as I can see, you solved it.



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