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Started the Developing Secure Software

Hi Everyone,

I'm Onome, and I just started the Developing Secure Software course. Excellent to be here, meet people, and network.


  • Hi Onome! I've also just started. Great to meet you.

  • seaudgive1945
    seaudgive1945 Posts: 4
    edited February 2024

    Thx for info!

  • your very muchwelcome I'm proud to be here. I'm ready to learn and ace this!!

  • If you're interested in exploring secure software in action, check out this excellent article on telemedicine video conferencing https://www.cogniteq.com/blog/telemedicine-video-conferencing-complete-overview. It provides a comprehensive overview of how security is implemented in healthcare platforms to ensure privacy and compliance.

    Developing secure software is especially vital in fields like telemedicine, where data protection and user trust are non-negotiable. I'm sure your knowledge from this course will prove valuable in building similarly impactful and secure solutions. Looking forward to your insights!


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