Lab 11.1 Unable to install linkerd
I'm running lab 11.1, but I can't get linkerd installed, as the pods are stuck in CrashLoopBackOff:
The logs of the pods are as follows:
To see the resolv.conf file being configured in the pods I ran a busybox pod, and the resolv.conf file has the following:
I think the "--" at the end might be the problem, but I don't know how to remove it.
I'm running the cluster with VM virtualBox Ubuntu 20.04
Does anyone else have this problem or know how to solve it?
Thank you!
Hi @vramperez,
Can you please provide the contents of
from the VirtualBox VM as well?Regards,
-Chris0 -
Hi @chrispokorni,
Thank you for your quick response.
This is my VM's resolv.conf (Ubuntu's 20.04 default):
Thinking that the problem might be the
search --
, I installed the resolvconf package to edit/etc/resolv.conf
in the VM so I could comment out thesearch --
. However, this didn't work because even though the resolv.conf has the linesearch --
commented out, the pods'resolv.conf
still has the--
at the end (I guess it will be added by coreDNS).(The last screenshot is on the master, but the worker has the same config and
).Maybe I'm wrong and the problem is not the -- of the resolv.conf...
Thank you.
Br,0 -
Hi @vramperez,
Thank you for the guest VM details. I remember running these labs successfully on VirtualBox VMs, but I provisioned them manually, not with vagrant. Could you double check your Vagrantfile for any possible typos that may be carried over into the VM?
Also, can you check your workstation's
?After manually commenting out (or removing) the search line from the VM's
, did you re-deploy the pod?Regards,
-Chris0 -
Hi @chrispokorni,
Attached is the Vagrantfile. It is a very standard Vagrantfile. I have tried disabling the vagrant-hosts plugin, but it doesn't solve the problem.
Attached is also the /etc/resolv.conf of my workstation (Ubuntu 20.04).
After commenting out the "search --" line in resolv.conf, I restarted not only the linkerd pods, but also the coreDNS pods, but that didn't work either.
It might be useful to compare the /etc/resolv.conf of my pods, with the one of someone who is working, to see what's different (since it's only a couple of lines).
0 -
Hi @vramperez,
My workstation also runs native Ubuntu 20.04 and in my resolv.conf file there is no "search --" entry. Please consult the official docs on resolv.conf configuration to correct your workstation's file before attempting the labs any further.
-Chris0 -
Hi @chrispokorni,
The error seems to be, as I suspected, in the "--" added to the end of the line in resolv.conf. I could only find the double hyphen "--" used to indicate the end of the search suffix list in the resolv.conf file in Ubuntu, Fedora or RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux), but it is not a standard. However, I don't know why it is being added, nor how I could remove it.
However, since this seemed to be the issue, I was able to deploy linkerd by modifying the dnsPoolicy to None and adding the corresponding dnsConfig based on the resolv.conf values of all deployments:
dnsPolicy: None dnsConfig: nameservers: - options: - name: ndots value: "5" searches: - linkerd.svc.cluster.local - svc.cluster.local - cluster.local
With this, all linkerd pods are running and it seems to be working. Tomorrow I hope to do the associated labs, and if I find any problems I'll update this thread.
Thank you!
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