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Operation type [insert] failed with message "The zone 'projects/containers-391321/zones/us-west1-b'

projat1 Posts: 2
edited June 2023 in LFS253 Class Forum

While creating the VM, at the network interface field, under sub network container-fundamentals-vpc IPv4 range appeared as which was overlapping ip addresses. Then I changed my region from Iowa: us-central1 to Oregon: us-west1 after which container-fundamentals-vpc IPv4 range appeared as The issue got resolved and went forward to create the VM. After I created, it is showing me the error at the status with red exclamation "Operation type [insert] failed with message "The zone 'projects/containers-391321/zones/us-west1-b'". What is the next step going forward. How do I resolve it ?


  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,386

    Hi @projat1,

    Was there anything else in the error message following the ..."The zone 'projects/containers-391321/zones/us-west1-b' " ?

    Can you describe the overlapping IP addresses you encountered originally? What IP addresses were overlapped by the subnet?

    What steps did you take to change the region of your VM?

    Moving a GCE VM between regions is not in scope for this course, but I would recommend inspecting the Google Cloud official documentation on how to properly move a VM between regions or zones:



  • projat1
    projat1 Posts: 2

    Thanks @chrispokorni, for you reply and support.
    I jut selected Iowa: us-central1 and then selected from the Region dropdown list the one of the regions supporting Free Tier VM instances of Oregon: us-west1.
    Can you please help me on how to know about the IP addresses are overlapping.
    Now presently I do not see any of the previously created the VM instances are running, without anything I did.
    Request your help.

  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,386

    Hi @projat1,

    I cannot seem to understand where the overlapping IPs concern is coming from. I revisited Lab exrcise 1.1 and there is no mention of overlapping IPs. Which exercise or which step causes concern for overlapping IP addresses?

    Lab exercise 1.1 provides instructions necessary to provision a simple Google Cloud VM or local VirtualBox VM respectively, for the purposes of this training course LFS253 - Containers Fundamentals. Any actions or steps taken outside of the Lab exercise, are outside of the scope of this class, and should be performed carefully upon inspecting the official documentation of Google Cloud or VirtualBox respectively.

    If none of the regions mentioned above, Iowa: us-central1 and Oregon: us-west1 (or others if accessed as well) show the VM provisioned earlier, I would recommend picking the region that is geographically closest to your location that supports the Free Tier, and provision a new VM following the lab guide.



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