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Don't see box to enter ssh key details

Linux Foundation ID/Username
I am learning Containers through this course -
Course Code

On Page 10 - LFS253_09.17.2021 - there’s a step to add public SSH key values to the blank box. But I don’t see that option. Also in next step there’s no way to “Edit Network interfaces” and select from the drop down


  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,419

    Hi @eddydeshpande,

    Easy customization of desired resources is a key feature of most cloud providers. Even if the UI changes slightly, those features are still there.

    If you pay close attention, you will see the "Networking, disk, security, ..." under the "Advanced options" menu.
    Expand "Advanced options" to reveal "Security" and "Networking" menus.

    Under "Security" menu you "Add manually generated SSH keys".

    Under "Networking" menu you expand the "Network interfaces" to Edit/Select from the drop down list.



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