Google Cloud VMs Kubernetes Fundamentals (LFS258)

I am following along with the course materials by using Google Cloud for Kubernetes Fundamentals (LFS258) (as the lab instructions state they use Google Cloud). However, there are two issues I have noticed in the course instructions:
The first issue is that the video is out of date compared to the current UI. An updated video would make it easier to follow along.
The second issue is that the instructor deletes the VMs that were just created at the end. Is there a way to pull the template information before it is deleted? It would be useful so we don't have to keep making a new VM every single time.
Hi @jjkraus01,
The purpose of the video is to highlight critical VM config options and VPC network settings. Since both proprietary and open source software continuously change, it is expected for some screenshots or demos to be slightly outdated.
You may defer the VM removal step until the VM is no longer needed. The VMs can be stopped between activities to preserve resources and pause the billing process, all while preserving all your work (cluster and applications) until the next activity when the VM is restarted.
You can use "Instance templates" to store a VM config template, and create as many VMs as needed from it (or create an "Instance group" from it).
-Chris1 -
I have the same problem and the comment post most as well be written in Chinese as it is absolutely useless. Hey, this is a BIGINNERS training and the Courses SHOULD BE UPDATED REGULARLY. This is an excuse, we can expect the screen to be out of date??????
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I cannot create a Project under the VPC Networks. Hence, I can't even get to first base...
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I hope somebody is addressing this issues and they are not just window dressings.
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Hi @g2318139,
You are correct, an intermediate level course such as the complex LFS258 does require some prior knowledge as it is described in the Prerequisites section on the LFS258 course page from the courses catalog. Entering the cloud native space, where containers and Kubernetes seem to lead the way, requires some level of understanding of the cloud - any cloud, whether AWS, Alibaba, Azure, GCP, Digital Ocean, IBM Cloud, Oracle Cloud, VMware, etc... Unfortunately, these technologies change frequently, and a cloud practitioner is forced to embrace them and use her/his intuition at times to figure things out if, for example, a dashboard is arranged differently, or if menu tabs are converted into drop down menus and sub-menus instead. And these practitioners, are quite often active subscribers of at least one cloud services provider listed above.
With that in mind I would recommend using the demo videos from the introductory chapter as guides to ensure that certain aspects of the VMs are correctly configured for this course. First, ensure that a project resource is created, which will incorporate the upcoming resources, and will be used for billing purposes. Then I would continue with the VPC and firewall rule configuration, to allow all incoming traffic to the VMs (from all sources, to all destinations, all ports, all protocols). Lastly, provision the VMs according to the specs described in the video, including the type, guest OS, VPC network the VMs are attached to, storage size, access key, etc.
Good luck setting up your lab environment and looking forward to seeing you in the forums!
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