Preparation for JSNSD exam

I've completed the course and all the labs. I'm sticking with express since I have previous knowledge using it. Now I'll begin practicing since I know I have to be fast and know the stuff by heart on the exam.
But what should I practice on? Of course I'll do the labs again and again.
When passing JSNAD, the tutorials on streams, events and promises at Nodeschool helped a lot.
Do you have any suggestions of tasks, similar to Nodeschool tutorials, or the course labs, that can be used when practicing?
I'm in the same place as you (although I'm planning to use fastify)
If it helps, during the exam, you're allowed access to the Express docs0 -
I'll begin practicing since I know I have to be fast and know the stuff by heart on the exam.
But what should I practice on? Of course I'll do the labs again and again.
Do we really need to memorise the codes and solution from the course?
That would mean that a person with photographic memory would pass the exam easily without understanding the logic. Unfortunately I am really bad at memorizing codes.
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We are allowed to use documentation, so in theory you don't need to memorize APIs. In practice, my experience is that these 2 hours go by fast. You can't really get stuck reading documentation like you would in a real life situation.
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@jimmycheung22 Also, please notice you don't have time to configure the IDE in a way that it will help you with auto-completion. You can't really rely on all that, like you would working on your own machine. You need to know the basics and be fast.
I'm planning to have my first go next week.
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@pnts , good luck mate. Fingers crossed.
Do you really go through the Lab exercises (section 1-10) again and again and again until you can write the solution with your eyes closed?
I started to regret buying this exam. It doesn't look like real life working scenario as Developer, because of those limitations.
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@jimmycheung22 Don't worry. I have passed the exam already.
If you can finish all the labs with some limitations like the exam environment, you can pass the exam without much trouble.
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I practiced a lot on streams, events and async (callback, promises and async-await) before JSNAD certification. It helped my during the exam and has also helped me a lot afterwards, just knowing core concepts mostly by heart.
Yesterday I successfully completed the JSNSD exam.
My preparation was doing the labs over and over again and getting fast on how to do things with the express framework. I stumble upon express, in one way or another, all the time in my work. I believe learning core concepts thoroughly at some point is great, even though you need to go back to documentation from time to time.
In my opinion LFW212 is a very good course and I can recommend it.
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I am very curious about what references we can have for the exam. Are we able to access our local drive for past projects we had done for reference?
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@pnts said:
@jimmycheung22 Also, please notice you don't have time to configure the IDE in a way that it will help you with auto-completion. You can't really rely on all that, like you would working on your own machine. You need to know the basics and be fast.I'm planning to have my first go next week.
Is it IDE or just normal text editor like VI?
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Hi @wangkh
Please check the candidate handbook and other available exam documentation to learn more about the exam. On the exam enrollment page, under Exam Details and Resources you can find the links to these documents:
Flavia1 -
The documentation that can be referenced during the exam is quite useless because there are no example codes and unless you are someone that writes codes without needing any samples, the exam will be very challenging because you need a lot of things from memory alone. I think in this age of internet, this way of testing is very outdated. If I am hiring, I will not need a developer that can code within connecting to the internet. I will need a developer who has very clear concepts and can easily find references from the internet to complete his projects.
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Are there also validate.js scripts in the Exam so that you can make sure you hit all the requirements? Or do you test manually with PostMan for example?
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Hi @louiswol94
Please direct all exam-related questions to the Linux Foundation Customer Support team at
The Linux Foundation Training Team0 -
@louiswol94 postman is available in the environment (as is curl, wget etc). You can also use node http module to make requests. The exam is green field, so it's all on the candidate to make sure the answer satisfies the requirements (tip: if you have time, write tests)
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@xdxmxc Thanks. What is the purpose of
npx nsd-check
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