Lab 9 Enforcing compliance with Ansible fails
Failure on Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS:
`~/secops/ansible# ansible-playbook compliance.yaml
ERROR! this task 'ansible.builtin.include_tasks' has extra params, which is only allowed in the following modules: command, raw, import_tasks, add_host, include, meta, include_vars, set_fact, win_shell, include_tasks, shell, import_role, script, group_by, win_command, include_role
The error appears to be in '/root/secops/ansible/collections/ansible_collections/devsec/hardening/roles/os_hardening/tasks/main.yml': line 2, column 3, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
- name: Include hardening tasks
^ here`
@freddysf if you look at the code and where it comes from, it is being invoked by the following code that you are applying
This invokes a collection from Ansible Galaxy, namely The source code being called is here
following is the actual code where the issue lies
--- - name: Include hardening tasks ansible.builtin.include_tasks: hardening.yml when: os_hardening_enabled | bool tags: - always
I want you to try a couple of things here,
- Share with me the version of Ansible. Also try updating it to the latest version if not already.
- Try using " " in line number 3 above which should then look like "hardening.yml" let me know if that fixes it.
Do report your findings. Also, you could join the office hours on Monday/Tuesday where we could do some live debugging.
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yeah I did install the latest version of Ansible and not sure if it's because the hardening role version in the labs is much older than the current one from > "We have kept the old releases of the os-hardening role in this repository, so you can find the them by exploring older tags. The last release of the standalone role was 6.2.0."
I tried a few things and ended up doing from scratch, I've deleted the instance but something like this worked, though there were many more issues than in the lab reported by inspec after running the playbook:
ansible-galaxy install dev-sec.os-hardening
[localhost] ansible_connection=local
--- - name: Apply os-hardening to localhost hosts: localhost become: yes roles: - role: dev-sec.os-hardening vars: os_security_kernel_enable_module_loading: true os_security_ssh_client_config: true os_security_ssh_max_auth_retries: 5 os_security_ssh_password_authentication: no os_security_ssh_permit_root_login: no
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@freddysf thanks for reporting your findings. I would test these changes and incorporate into the labs. As for the inspec reports, we still need to figure out whether there are new checks that ansible is missing or if its ansible os hardening playbook which is less effective now.
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Just install older version of collection by doing this:
ansible-galaxy collection install devsec.hardening:8.3.0 --force
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