Lab 7.4 Throws error

The first command:
sudo docker run --name tracee --rm --privileged --pid=host \
-v /lib/modules/:/lib/modules/:ro -v /usr/src:/usr/src:ro -v /tmp/tracee:/tmp/tracee \
aquasec/tracee -h
Thows me theese errors:
ERROR: You have to set LIBBPFGO_OSRELEASE_FILE env variable.
ERROR: It allows tracee to detect host environment features.
ERROR: Run docker with :
ERROR: -v /etc/os-release:/etc/os-release-host:ro
ERROR: -e LIBBPFGO_OSRELEASE_FILE=/etc/os-release-host
The next command is successful but exits, it dosent just sit there and listen to then on point three hop to the next terminal window
Ok, so I edited the command above to include the two arguments missing, and then it works but the second part, where we starts tracee to just let it run and then switch over to the second terminal still exits with:
david@cks-cp:~$ sudo docker run --name tracee --privileged --pid=host -v /lib/modules/:/lib/modules/:ro -v /usr/src:/usr/src:ro -v /tmp/tracee:/tmp/tracee -v /etc/os-release:/etc/os-release-host:ro -e LIBBPFGO_OSRELEASE_FILE=/etc/os-release-host aquasec/tracee tracee-rules container=new
INFO: probing tracee-ebpf capabilities...
INFO: starting tracee...
Tracee - Trace OS events and syscalls using eBPFUSAGE:
tracee [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]VERSION:
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one commandGLOBAL OPTIONS:
--list, -l list tracable events (default: false)
--filter value, -f value select events to trace by defining filter expressions. run '--filter help' for more info.
--capture value, -c value capture artifacts that were written, executed or found to be suspicious. run '--capture help' for more info.
--capabilities value, --caps value define capabilities for tracee to run with. run '--capabilities help' for more info. (default: "bypass=0", "add=", "drop=")
--output value, -o value control how and where output is printed. run '--output help' for more info. (default: "option:parse-arguments")
--cache value, -a value control event caching queues. run '--cache help' for more info. (default: "cache-type=mem", "mem-cache-size=512")
--crs value define connected container runtimes. run '--crs help' for more info.
--perf-buffer-size value, -b value size, in pages, of the internal perf ring buffer used to submit events from the kernel (default: 1024)
--blob-perf-buffer-size value size, in pages, of the internal perf ring buffer used to send blobs from the kernel (default: 1024)
--install-path value path where tracee will install or lookup it's resources (default: "/tmp/tracee")
--metrics enable metrics endpoint (default: false)
--healthz enable healthz endpoint (default: false)
--pprof enable pprof endpoints (default: false)
--listen-addr value listening address of the metrics endpoint server (default: ":3366")
--containers enable container info enrichment to events. this feature is experimental and may cause unexpected behavior in the pipeline (default: false)
--signatures-dir value directory where to search for signatures in CEL (.yaml), OPA (.rego), and Go plugin (.so) formats
--rego value control event rego settings. run '--rego help' for more info.
--log value logger option. run '--log help' for more info. (default: "info")
--help, -h show help (default: false)
--version, -v print the version (default: false)0 -
You need to use the /home/david# sudo docker run --name tracee --rm --privileged --pid=host -v /lib/modules/:/lib/modules/:ro -v /usr/src:/usr/src:ro -v /tmp/tracee:/tmp/tracee -v /etc/os-release:/etc/os-release-host:ro -e LIBBPFGO_OSRELEASE_FILE=/etc/os-release-host aquasec/tracee:v0.11 tracee-rules container=new the course is outdated as of 0.12
0 -
Why, dosent the course just simply, use the helm chart provided by aquasec in this instance?
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