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Lab 8.4

Hi, can someone pls point me to low-resource-range.yaml file ?

in the prompt says that we can use that file since it has been used in the past but so far in that lab it has not been used.



  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,415

    Hi @nicocerquera,

    There are many ways you can find the desired resource.

    You can use the find command to locate the desired manifest in the SOLUTIONS subdirectory from the terminal.

    Or you can just use the find feature of your PDF reader to locate the past lab exercise where the manifest was mentioned.

    Either way, if you revisit Lab 4 and its dedicated SOLUTIONS folder, you will find it there.


  • Thank you Chris,

    Yes, I see now that I skipped that lab (4) since I has having the calico issues and then, that made it so that I did not use the file before.



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