LAB 3.1 Error Applying CAlico.YAML Help!
This is the second time I have rebuilt according to the lab instructions
The kubeadm init output looks fine and says successful but there is no service listening on port 6443
export KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
root@cp:~# kubectl get nodes
The connection to the server k8scp:6443 was refused - did you specify the right host or port?
$ kubectl apply -f calico.yaml
error when retrieving current configuration of:
Resource: "policy/v1, Resource=poddisruptionbudgets", GroupVersionKind: "policy/v1, Kind=PodDisruptionBudget"
Name: "calico-kube-controllers", Namespace: "kube-system"
from server for: "calico.yaml": Get "https://k8scp:6443/apis/policy/v1/namespaces/kube-system/poddisruptionbudgets/calico-kube-controllers": stream error: stream ID 67; INTERNAL_ERROR; received from peer
error when retrieving current configuration of:
Name: "calico-kube-controllers", Namespace: ""
from server for: "calico.yaml": Get "https://k8scp:6443/apis/": dial tcp connect: connection refused
error when retrieving current configuration of:
Resource: ", Resource=clusterrolebindings", GroupVersionKind: ", Kind=ClusterRoleBinding"
Name: "calico-node", Namespace: ""
from server for: "calico.yaml": Get "https://k8scp:6443/apis/": dial tcp connect: connection refused
error when retrieving current configuration of:
Resource: "apps/v1, Resource=daemonsets", GroupVersionKind: "apps/v1, Kind=DaemonSet"
Name: "calico-node", Namespace: "kube-system"
from server for: "calico.yaml": Get "https://k8scp:6443/apis/apps/v1/namespaces/kube-system/daemonsets/calico-node": dial tcp connect: connection refused
error when retrieving current configuration of:
Resource: "apps/v1, Resource=deployments", GroupVersionKind: "apps/v1, Kind=Deployment"
Name: "calico-kube-controllers", Namespace: "kube-system"
from server for: "calico.yaml": Get "https://k8scp:6443/apis/apps/v1/namespaces/kube-system/deployments/calico-kube-controllers": dial tcp connect: connection refused
Hi @dicalleson,
Please pay close attention to the lab guide.
should not be allowed to runkubectl
commands. The.kube/config
file should be stored in the regular user's home directory.The connection refused errors are typically caused by either firewalls at the infra level or at OS level. Please ensure all firewalls are disabled and all traffic is allowed to and from your VMs, from all sources, to all destinations, to all ports, and all protocols.
-Chris0 -
I followed the video closely for creating the VPC and firewall rules and creating the VMs.
The VMs are able to get packages. I am able to ssh to both of them and they can ping each other.Here is the firewall rule. Please tell me if this is not correct?
view in Logs Explorer
Network lfs258class
Priority 1000
Direction Ingress
Action on match Allow
Source filters
IP ranges
Protocols and ports
Enforcement Enabled
Hit count monitoring0 -
ALso, It is strange but the cp node appears that the processes are starting and restarting a lot. I was able to run kubectl get nodes and got a response then a little later it did not work. I also tried running the kubectl apply -f calico.yaml and it completed successfully... but then a little later I was not able to run the kubectl command and it got connection refused. journalctl -f shows
Feb 27 22:44:40 cp kubelet[4111]: E0227 22:44:40.516701 4111 kuberuntime_manager.go:905] init container &Container{Name:install-cni,,Command:[/opt/cni/bin/install],Args:[],WorkingDir:,Ports:[]ContainerPort{},Env:[]EnvVar{EnvVar{Name:CNI_CONF_NAME,Value:10-calico.conflist,ValueFrom:nil,},EnvVar{Name:CNI_NETWORK_CONFIG,Value:,ValueFrom:&EnvVarSource{FieldRef:nil,ResourceFieldRef:nil,ConfigMapKeyRef:&ConfigMapKeySelector{LocalObjectReference:LocalObjectReference{Name:calico-config,},Key:cni_network_config,Optional:nil,},SecretKeyRef:nil,},},EnvVar{Name:KUBERNETES_NODE_NAME,Value:,ValueFrom:&EnvVarSource{FieldRef:&ObjectFieldSelector{APIVersion:v1,FieldPath:spec.nodeName,},ResourceFieldRef:nil,ConfigMapKeyRef:nil,SecretKeyRef:nil,},},EnvVar{Name:CNI_MTU,Value:,ValueFrom:&EnvVarSource{FieldRef:nil,ResourceFieldRef:nil,ConfigMapKeyRef:&ConfigMapKeySelector{LocalObjectReference:LocalObjectReference{Name:calico-config,},Key:veth_mtu,Optional:nil,},SecretKeyRef:nil,},},EnvVar{Name:SLEEP,Value:false,ValueFrom:nil,},},Resources:ResourceRequirements{Limits:ResourceList{},Requests:ResourceList{},},VolumeMounts:[]VolumeMount{VolumeMount{Name:cni-bin-dir,ReadOnly:false,MountPath:/host/opt/cni/bin,SubPath:,MountPropagation:nil,SubPathExpr:,},VolumeMount{Name:cni-net-dir,ReadOnly:false,MountPath:/host/etc/cni/net.d,SubPath:,MountPropagation:nil,SubPathExpr:,},VolumeMount{Name:kube-api-access-phdll,ReadOnly:true,MountPath:/var/run/secrets/,SubPath:,MountPropagation:nil,SubPathExpr:,},},LivenessProbe:nil,ReadinessProbe:nil,Lifecycle:nil,TerminationMessagePath:/dev/termination-log,ImagePullPolicy:IfNotPresent,SecurityContext:&SecurityContext{Capabilities:nil,Privileged:true,SELinuxOptions:nil,RunAsUser:nil,RunAsNonRoot:nil,ReadOnlyRootFilesystem:nil,AllowPrivilegeEscalation:nil,RunAsGroup:nil,ProcMount:nil,WindowsOptions:nil,SeccompProfile:nil,},Stdin:false,StdinOnce:false,TTY:false,EnvFrom:[]EnvFromSource{EnvFromSource{Prefix:,ConfigMapRef:&ConfigMapEnvSource{LocalObjectReference:LocalObjectReference{Name:kubernetes-services-endpoint,},Optional:true,},SecretRef:nil,},},TerminationMessagePolicy:File,VolumeDevices:[]VolumeDevice{},StartupProbe:nil,} start failed in pod calico-node-kz2bs_kube-system(012de78d-46d1-4e8f-8b70-f376d3c156be): CreateContainerConfigError: failed to sync configmap cache: timed out waiting for the condition
Feb 27 22:44:40 cp kubelet[4111]: E0227 22:44:40.517132 4111 pod_workers.go:951] "Error syncing pod, skipping" err="failed to \"StartContainer\" for \"install-cni\" with CreateContainerConfigError: \"failed to sync configmap cache: timed out waiting for the condition\"" pod="kube-system/calico-node-kz2bs" podUID=012de78d-46d1-4e8f-8b70-f376d3c156be
Feb 27 22:44:40 cp kubelet[4111]: I0227 22:44:40.549223 4111 scope.go:110] "RemoveContainer" containerID="407fedd9a93cb69b4873193590974a68346f579f0a49fa12612c37f388d2083d"
Feb 27 22:44:40 cp kubelet[4111]: E0227 22:44:40.549616 4111 pod_workers.go:951] "Error syncing pod, skipping" err="failed to \"StartContainer\" for \"kube-proxy\" with CrashLoopBackOff: \"back-off 5m0s restarting failed container=kube-proxy pod=kube-proxy-nswgk_kube-system(f036b8ec-fc8c-49ec-87e2-7e95f407e6c8)\"" pod="kube-system/kube-proxy-nswgk" podUID=f036b8ec-fc8c-49ec-87e2-7e95f407e6c8
Feb 27 22:44:41 cp kubelet[4111]: I0227 22:44:41.660869 4111 scope.go:110] "RemoveContainer" containerID="b10dcc6a99ad7189ce3b1fc04b8c634326d10e1b87f6c07f8859377f93f3f339"
Feb 27 22:44:41 cp kubelet[4111]: E0227 22:44:41.661675 4111 pod_workers.go:951] "Error syncing pod, skipping" err="failed to \"StartContainer\" for \"kube-controller-manager\" with CrashLoopBackOff: \"back-off 5m0s restarting failed container=kube-controller-manager pod=kube-controller-manager-cp_kube-system(5ac93d50ac28d4985e47d6aa5d78e9dd)\"" pod="kube-system/kube-controller-manager-cp" podUID=5ac93d50ac28d4985e47d6aa5d78e9dd
Feb 27 22:44:42 cp kubelet[4111]: I0227 22:44:42.583871 4111 scope.go:110] "RemoveContainer" containerID="b10dcc6a99ad7189ce3b1fc04b8c634326d10e1b87f6c07f8859377f93f3f339"
Feb 27 22:44:42 cp kubelet[4111]: E0227 22:44:42.584673 4111 pod_workers.go:951] "Error syncing pod, skipping" err="failed to \"StartContainer\" for \"kube-controller-manager\" with CrashLoopBackOff: \"back-off 5m0s restarting failed container=kube-controller-manager pod=kube-controller-manager-cp_kube-system(5ac93d50ac28d4985e47d6aa5d78e9dd)\"" pod="kube-system/kube-controller-manager-cp" podUID=5ac93d50ac28d4985e47d6aa5d78e9dd0 -
Could the problem be my subnet? I created subnet
Is that a problem?0 -
I REbuilt again and used the ubuntu-2004-focal image instead of the jammy image.
I am fairly certain that this was the issue.0
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