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Binary search

This technique uses a binary search to find a target integer in a RandomAccessFile. It is just concerned with integers.
This is the code:

//determines if a target number is in a RandomAccessFile using a binary search
//tracks the number of times it took to find that the number was/wasn't in the file
public static void binarySearch(){
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
int target = 0; //the number being searched for
boolean targetFound = false; //indicates if the target is found
int searchCount = 0; //the number of times it took to find that the number was/wasn't in the file

  1. System.out.print("Please enter the number you wish to search for: ");
  3. target = input.nextInt();
  5. try{
  6. RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile("Project10.dat", "r");
  7. long low = 0;
  8. long high = raf.length() - 1;
  9. int cur = 0;
  11. while(high >= low){
  12. long mid = (low + high) / 2;
  13. raf.seek(mid);
  14. cur = raf.readInt();
  15. System.out.println(cur); //for debugging
  17. searchCount++;
  19. if(target < cur){
  20. high = mid - 4;
  21. }
  22. else if(target == cur){
  23. targetFound = true;
  24. break;
  25. }
  26. else{
  27. low = mid + 4;
  28. }
  29. }
  31. raf.close();
  32. }
  33. catch(FileNotFoundException e){
  34. e.printStackTrace();
  35. }
  36. catch (IOException e){
  37. e.printStackTrace();
  38. }
  40. if(targetFound == true){
  41. System.out.println("The number " + target + " is in the file. It took " + searchCount + " tries to discover this.");
  42. }
  43. else{
  44. System.out.println("The number " + target + " is not in the file. It took " + searchCount + " tries to discover this.");
  45. }

}//end method binarySearch

I've tried everything, but I'm getting the wrong results. Because a raf comprises bytes and an integer contains four bytes, I figured I'd just decrease the high by four and increase the low by four, as described in this blog, where the identical operations were performed by one in a typical binary search. Apparently, this is not the case, and I'm still struggling to understand binary I/O in general. Help?


  • Posts: 2,238

    Hi @vikash11

    Can you please advise if your post is related to a training course, or to a different Linux topic? This forum is dedicated to a specific initiative, and if you post in the incorrect forum, your post will be overlooked.



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