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Jenkins fails to spawn docker agents


I am facing a problem with the Lab Guide. I am in the Lab 4.1
I do not have a Vagrant compatible machine so I am trying to create the environment myself.

I have spun up a Ubuntu VM and have installed the Docker Host on it. exposed the Docker host on tcp:// on the Docker host and it responds by showing the versions in JSON on the terminal when I try to curl the docker host. I pulled the jenkins image and started it using the following command:

docker run -itd —rm -v vol_jenkins:/var/jenkins_home —name jenkins-lts -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 jenkins/jenkins:lts

It runs fine.

I have installed the docker-plugin in Jenkins and have configured the Cloud. I can see the versions information displayed on the Jenkins Test Connection page.

I tried to create a Freestvle Proiect in Jenkins and selected the
"Restrict where this project can be run" and supplied the docker label here.

And finally, in the Build Steps I have the following, to keep everything nice and simple.

When I start the build, Jenkins cannot spawn the Docker container, I am guessing, because it always gets stuck here

I logged onto the VM and tried to curl the VM IP address with the docker host port number and I do get the json response back with the docker version and all.

I disabled the ufw firewall by running the sudo ufw disable on the VM.

I am using the jenkins/ssh-slave as my docker image in the Docker Agent Template.

Would you help me by telling me where to start the troubleshooting? Or what am I missing here please. Thank you.


  • I finally figured out the issue. It’s sadly because of the outdated course content.

    There are a couple of updates.

    First update is -

    Jenkins has stopped supporting the jenkins/ssh-slave image as documented here - https://hub.docker.com/r/jenkins/ssh-agent . The newer image is jenkins/ssh-agent

    Figured this out the hard way. I would like to document the process we all might follow to figure out any issues with Jenkins or its agents. Jenkins throws all its logging data to system logs, which can be viewed with the journalctl -xef command. This can be customised though, but this is the default behaviour on an Ubuntu GNU/Linux system.

    Second update is -

    Docker does not have any docker_default network as mentioned in the guide. I had to create a bridge network on my system by running the command docker network create --driver bridge jenkins_agents and then I used the string jenkins_agents in the Network field instead.

    I have been able to run the pipeline now.

    Requesting Lab Guide update please - @luisviveropena @fcioanca It really took long to debug this time. Thanks for the course anyways.

    Tagging @zacts just for reference.

  • Hi @Shivinder, thanks for the updates!

    The DevOps tools and software are constantly changing, so we can expect changes related to parameters, configurations, usages, etc.

    We'll take a look at this.

    Many regards,

  • Shivinder
    Shivinder Posts: 45

    Yeah, the image is deprecated. No problem. Posting here for other people, if they are on the same lab.

  • zacts
    zacts Posts: 42

    @Shivinder did you ever get this working? I'm trying to do this with Jenkins in docker on Linux. I'm having a difficult time trying to figure out how to get Jenkins to see tcp://docker-agent:2367.

  • Shivinder
    Shivinder Posts: 45

    Heya @zacts
    I was able to make it work somehow. It did take me a long time to figure everything out. I posted a lot of detail in my above posts. Were you able to do them? They should help you out.
    If they are not helping, tell me what you've done and where you are. I will try to help you.

  • luisviveropena
    luisviveropena Posts: 1,254
    edited April 2023

    Hi @zacts,

    If you have a different issue, please create a new post and I'll take a look at it.



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