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Lab 4.1 - terraform apply fails without exception

Been trying to get through this lab for a couple of days now, following the steps to the letter. It might be me or it might just be poorly written. Did anyone else have the same experience with this?


  • oskarq
    oskarq Posts: 22
    edited January 12

    I have the same issues and no clue how to fix it... yet

  • oskarq
    oskarq Posts: 22

    If LF368 is blocked at the beginning while creating the setup it is useless.

  • oskarq
    oskarq Posts: 22

    I can't continue....help

    │ Error: Error creating service account: googleapi: Error 403: Request had insufficient authentication scopes.
    │ Details:
    │ [
    │   {
    │     "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.ErrorInfo",
    │     "domain": "googleapis.com",
    │     "metadata": {
    │       "method": "google.iam.admin.v1.IAM.CreateServiceAccount",
    │       "service": "iam.googleapis.com"
    │     },
    │   }
    │ ]
    │ More details:
    │ Reason: insufficientPermissions, Message: Insufficient Permission
    │   with module.jx.module.gsm[0].google_service_account.gsm_sa,
    │   on .terraform/modules/jx/modules/gsm/main.tf line 25, in resource "google_service_account" "gsm_sa":
    │   25: resource "google_service_account" "gsm_sa" {
  • zacts
    zacts Posts: 40

    I am experiencing the same Error with the IAM policy.

  • zacts
    zacts Posts: 40

    I'm also looking at the following guides from the official Jenkins-X doc for ideas: https://jenkins-x.io/v3/admin/platforms/google/ and https://jenkins-x.io/v3/admin/platforms/minikube/.

  • zacts
    zacts Posts: 40

    I also see the Enable Registry API section in the lab 4.1 PDF which mentions IAM roles.

  • zacts
    zacts Posts: 40
    edited December 10

    I just got this step of the lab to work for me. I'm running Debian 12 on my laptop. I originally installed the gcloud command line tool via the google-cloud-sdk snap package. I researched it a bit, and the google-cloud-cli snap package is actually more up to date than the google-cloud-sdk package. I eventually ended up installing the gcloud cli tool via the official Google tar package for it. Everything at this step worked fine after that for me. The google-cloud-cli snap package might still work but I couldn't use gcloud components install gke-gcloud-auth-plugin to install the gke auth plugin. There's probably a way to still do that with snap I don't know.

  • zacts
    zacts Posts: 40

    I think also the Enable Registry API section helps too with the IAM role messages. I restarted the lab from scratch, and got the same IAM error warnings. Everything seems to work fine for this lab for me after I have gcloud setup and the Enable Registry API.


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