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Zeek to CSV bash script help

I am trying to work with a script that was on github - but I am having problems with it. Does anyone see anything wrong with 1) my replacement for FILEPATH and OUTPATH from 2) the template?

1) MY VARIABLE Edits to the template in #2 below


bro_in_data=/"path_to_the_input_logs_directory"/ #path to input logs directory
bro_out_csv=/"path_to_the_output_logs_directory"/ #path to output logs directory

echo "Transforming to csv ..."
for log in $(ls $bro_in_data); do


# -d option in zeek-cut convert time values into 
# human-readable format. %Y-%m-%dTH%:%M:%S
cat $FILEIN | zeek-cut -c -d > $FILEOUT

# If you don´t want to use zeek-cut, comment the line above
# and uncomment the line below
#sed -i '$d' $FILEOUT

# Remove line 8
sed -i '8d' $FILEOUT

# Remove lines 1 to 6
sed -i '1,6d' $FILEOUT

# Delete #fields
sed -i 's/#fields\t//' $FILEOUT

# Replace '\t' with ','
sed -i 's/\t/,/g' $FILEOUT

echo "Done"



FILEPATH=/"path_to_the_input_logs_directory"/ #path to input logs directory
OUTPATH=/"path_to_the_output_logs_directory"/ #path to output logs directory

echo "Transforming to csv ..."
for log in $(ls $FILEPATH); do


# -d option in zeek-cut convert time values into 
# human-readable format. %Y-%m-%dTH%:%M:%S
cat $FILEIN | zeek-cut -c -d > $FILEOUT

# If you don´t want to use zeek-cut, comment the line above
# and uncomment the line below
#sed -i '$d' $FILEOUT

# Remove line 8
sed -i '8d' $FILEOUT

# Remove lines 1 to 6
sed -i '1,6d' $FILEOUT

# Delete #fields
sed -i 's/#fields\t//' $FILEOUT

# Replace '\t' with ','
sed -i 's/\t/,/g' $FILEOUT

echo "Done"


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