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I am seeing an error when running a command installing jenkins

I am running helm install --namespace ci --values jenkins.values.yaml jenkins jenkins/jenkins

I then see this error
Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: template: jenkins/templates/tests/test-config.yaml:1:14: executing "jenkins/templates/tests/test-config.yaml" at <.Values.controller.testEnabled>: nil pointer evaluating interface {}.testEnabled
and am not sure how to fix this


  • robsquire
    robsquire Posts: 3

    Can anyone help with this as it is stopping me progressing the course?

  • gouravshah
    gouravshah Posts: 139

    Looks like there is a new value added by the Jenkins Chart now. It requires it and is failing now since our values file does not have it. You could read about a similar issue here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65790905/nil-pointer-evaluating-interface-when-installing-a-helm-chart.

    @robsquire , I would suggest you to update jenkins.values.yaml to following,

      serviceType: NodePort
          cpu: "400m"
          memory: "512Mi"
          cpu: "2000m"
          memory: "4096Mi"
      testEnabled: true

    notice the testEnabled: true which was missing earlier. Let us know if this solves this problem.

  • robsquire
    robsquire Posts: 3

    I have updated my jenkins.values.yaml file as shown but still see the same error Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: template: jenkins/templates/tests/test-config.yaml:1:14: executing "jenkins/templates/tests/test-config.yaml" at <.Values.controller.testEnabled>: nil pointer evaluating interface {}.testEnabled

  • tochev1986
    tochev1986 Posts: 8

    @gouravshah said:
    Looks like there is a new value added by the Jenkins Chart now. It requires it and is failing now since our values file does not have it. You could read about a similar issue here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65790905/nil-pointer-evaluating-interface-when-installing-a-helm-chart.

    @robsquire , I would suggest you to update jenkins.values.yaml to following,

      serviceType: NodePort
          cpu: "400m"
          memory: "512Mi"
          cpu: "2000m"
          memory: "4096Mi"
      testEnabled: true

    notice the testEnabled: true which was missing earlier. Let us know if this solves this problem.

    this is not possible

  • keithwilliam
    keithwilliam Posts: 19

    It looks like your jenkins/jenkins.values.yaml file is not set up correctly. You need to check your .Values.controller.testEnabled property and make sure it is set to 'true'. If it is not set to true, then you can set the proper boolean value in the yaml file.

  • arochester
    arochester Posts: 368

    96.4% probability for AI

  • gouravshah
    gouravshah Posts: 139

    @robsquire would be useful if you could join the office hours session during mon/tue so that we could debug this live. I could reproduce the issue and adding testEnabled: true did solve me. There are possibly other environmental issues which we may be overlooking. Working with the exact environment where this issue happens is the quickest way to fix this.


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