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alias k=kubectl

Alias k is not used in this course. It's hard for me to determine how much of the course itself is to prepare for the exam and how much is to teach a person kubernetes. But the last time I took the exam for which this course is supposed to prepare was alias k and a few other facilities on the exam. These features are not used in this course. Are you planning to change the course to support students to use alias k and the VIM text editing settings that are on the exam?

I did not pass this exam. Lack of time contributed a lot to the result. Long response delays and my lack of knowledge on how to speed up the editing of the document caused me to not do 4 tasks at all.


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  • I am just giving feedback regarding the CKAD exam and there I am also complaining about time. How did you like the course? I took LFS258 and LFS259 and did not like it much. The comments e.g. on killer.sh were much more useful to me - where the k alias and the vim settings being used and well explained.

  • Same for me. killer.sh did a much better job of describing the various behaviors that can be useful on the exam. Too bad the courses are so poor. After all, they are sold together with the exam then they should prepare well for it.

    The fact that I did not pass is mostly my fault. However, before the exam I did the LFS258 course 3 times to absorb the knowledge well. Then I did the exam 2 times on killer.sh and made quite few mistakes although I could see that time-wise I performed very badly on killer.sh.

    The strange thing is that the last time I took the course it was refreshed and already on the exam in a few days was an even newer version of kubernetes .... One or two functionalities were changed so doing from memory is not very good. And looking for everything in the documentation costs a lot of time.> @redtux2000 said:

    I am just giving feedback regarding the CKAD exam and there I am also complaining about time. How did you like the course? I took LFS258 and LFS259 and did not like it much. The comments e.g. on killer.sh were much more useful to me - where the k alias and the vim settings being used and well explained.

  • I have a course with an exam for many of this platform. I have currently done the LFS258, LFD259 and LFS260 course. The best of these is LFS258 which is no great feat. There are a lot of errors in LFS260. These courses aren't exactly bad, but you can see that the people who created them aren't up to date with the exam they are supposed to prepare for.

  • @redtux2000 Maybe you have some other course or exam trial worthy of recommendation to better prepare for the exam?

  • I feel you! I saw yesterday on Udemy that for CKS there is a course by the killer.sh founder that might be nice. I wanted to buy two courses there in preparation for the CKA & CKAD exams but had to realized that I had already bought them in April but had no time so far to watch the videos. Many people also recommend Cloudguru but I did not like that so much. Seems it is hard to cover all types of learners but at least other platforms have nice graphs and less text, which sometimes helps. What helped me most so far were the upstream docs (also lot of text but with many good examples and a nice cheatsheet), the kubectl help pages (always typing -hafter my commands) and the killer.sh hints & solutions. There is also a slack channel which might be worse using for questions or just to exchange with others being in the same situation. I was never the fastest in exams, but this time I had the same issue you described - not being able to even read the last four tasks or so. No idea if it was CKA or CKAD but one of both has been reduced from three to two hours. I thought two hours would be already a lot but obviously not.

  • @redtux2000 Great, thanks a lot for the hints.


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