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Install Ubuntu on Mac VirtualBox

I was a bit lost on how to install Ubuntu. I figured others may benefit from having the steps documented.



  • Posts: 916

    Please note the Linux Foundation also offers pre-built virtual machines with all the packages needed for the course(s) pre-installed. At some point you should have been informed of https://training.linuxfoundation.org/cm/prep and then you can scroll down to LFS207 for course specific requirements. Further down the page there are instructions for retrieving pre-built machines (although we do not give specific instructions for configuring the hypervisor, be it Virtual Box, VMWare or KVM etc.)

    Whether you run you own or a pre-built VM you should run ./ready-for.sh LFS207 --install as described on that page.

    Chapter 1 also has reference to a document that describes installation which can also be retrieved from https://training.linuxfoundation.org/cm/LFS207
    This also has some links to videos of installations of major distros.

    Thanks for your guide, I'm sure people will find it useful.


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