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Bad URL for downloading minikube

FYI: In the "Installation and Configuration" -- "Using Minikube" the URL for the curl command is mangled; specifically the protocol. There's 3 invisible characters between the two 't's in "https":

$ cat -v <<< ht‌tps://storage.googleapis.com/minikube/releases/latest/minikube-darwin-amd64


  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,218

    The course itself does not have any additional invisible characters - these may be a result of the copy/paste process.

  • sbirl
    sbirl Posts: 2

    Yes, I copied the URL from that course's page, and it picked up the hidden characters from there. Since pasting content does not modify what was copied into the clipboard, the only way those characters are present is because it is on the page itself. Please double-check.


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