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Can the CKA exam ask us to deploy an ha-proxy even if we can't access it's online docs?


I'm a network engineer from Italy and I've been learning K8s for some months in after work and now I've bought CKA+LFS258 bundle. I've already completed a full CKA course on another platform and I've got straight to some points in the course, such as the highly availability section.

I've already build a 3-Controlplane nodes highly available cluster at home but I'm surely not able to configure ha-proxy without accessing online resources and so I was wondering if it is possible for them to ask us in the CKA exam to setup an highly available cluster from scratch. I think that they could ask us to add some nodes on an existing ha-proxy installation but not configuring from scratch, unless they give us access to the docs or a sample config.. what do you think about that?

I've also seen that in the labs they use kubeadm token create and then the following command:

student@cp: ̃$ openssl x509 -pubkey \
-in /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt | openssl rsa \
-pubin -outform der 2>/dev/null | openssl dgst \
-sha256 -hex | sed's/ˆ.* //'

Instead of simply launching kubeadm token create --print-join-command which computes the hash instead of using 3 openssl commands which we surely won't remember for the exam and I was wondering why they show us this complex way instead of the simpler one that we can remember for the exam.
I hoped that the course could clarify some few doubts about CKA but I think it could even make them worse, since there's no way to ask the instructor about doubts.



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