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Getting error when i run ./network.sh createChannel


  • Bobbijn
    Bobbijn Posts: 193

    @vivek9680 , Hello, let's see if we can figure out the issue. Are you experiencing this issue during the Lab exercise_ Run the Hyperledger Fabric network,_ test-network, Spin up the network_ in Lab 2.1 on page 24?. Have you tried shutting down and restarting the network? Bobbi

  • vivek9680
    vivek9680 Posts: 2

    No, this is not lab excercise.

    I have downloaded hyperledger fabric and wanted to run the test network.

    I have shut down the network two times and up again but I got this issue both times.

  • Bobbijn
    Bobbijn Posts: 193

    Hello, great to see you taking the initiative to practice your skills. This forum is dedicated to answering questions for the exercises in the labs as is. Here are a few great resources to help you get the answers you need.
    Hyperledger Project Wiki page (all are welcome)

    To join the group and get alerts to public meetings:

    Also, a great resource is the Hyperledger discord channel where you can chat directly with the developer who are happy to answer your questions:

    Hope this helps, Bobbi


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