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LFS250: hands-on labs???

mariner3 Posts: 1
edited November 2022 in LFS250 Class Forum

Hello from Maine-USA; are there any interactive - hands-on labs in this class? I have seen reference to demo lab videos. Watching a lab without actually performing the actions is not that effective for my learning style. thanks; pete f.


  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,206

    Hi @mariner3

    This course does not have labs, and the videos are demo videos showing at a high level how to do some things. The more advanced Kubernetes courses do have lab exercises.



  • Hi @mariner3
    I have enrolled in course KUBERNETES AND CLOUD NATIVE ESSENTIALS (LFS250). In few chapter there are demo on different topics.

    But i do not see any demo or anything on those page. I just have to move to next topic.

    Is the demo not working or do i need any specific player or something to see the demos.

    Need your help.

    Thank you for your support.

  • hi @mariner3
    To update you. It started working fine after clearing the browser cache.
    Demos are working now. thank you

  • A Cloud Guru has remotely accessible lab machines, but it isnt free.
    That's probably your best bet. Ive found that paying for something like that alleviates some amount of headache, which is valuable while learning something specific, like cloud computing.


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