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LAB 6.3


If changing linkerd-edge version to 20.9.2 as indicated in the lab's instructions, linkerd check --pre cannot create non-namespaced resources (pre-kubernetes-setup section)
So the check finishes with:
Status check results are ×

The lab exercise works with current linkerd-edge version 22.10.1

However, the installation is slightly different - you need to run:

linkerd install --crds | kubectl apply -f -

before running

linkerd install | kubectl apply -f -

After that you need to install linkerd-viz

'linkerd viz install | kubectl apply -f -'

Other steps are pretty much the same, except for the service and deployment name is web and not linkerd-web and the namespace is linkerd-viz and not linkerd

So for example step 8 command would be:

kubectl -n linkerd-viz edit deploymets.apps web

Step 11, to change service type to NodePort

k -n linkerd-viz edit svc web


The only thing that is not working is that there's no Grafana in the dashboard...

Hope this helps!


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