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Problem with Knowledge Check Question 6.1


when I try to take the Knowledge Check in Chapter 6 I get the following popup:
"An unknown error occurred. Please refresh the page and try again."

If I look at the requests a Query to https://trainingportal.linuxfoundation.org/graphql is blocked by Cloudflare with Ray ID 7445a636bbf7ac9e. I have this Problem with Firefox on Windows and Linux and Chromium on Linux as well.

The Support just closed my Ticket and said I should ask here...

Would be great if someone could resolve the Problem. I had so far no problems with any other Quiz.



  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,218


    This is a bug on the platform. We have opened a ticket with our platform providers, and they are looking into it. Once we have an update, we will update here.

    Thank you,


  • Hi,

    any update on this? Have the same Problem with 18.1 as well. Ray ID is 7477aedc98a14504


  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,218

    There are no updates at this point.

  • I also have the same problem. This is the worst support forum :'(
    I tried with Brave browser and mozilla ... But a month ago when I was doing this course, I dind't have any problems

  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,218

    Hi @donquijotedelasnubes

    This is an issue that stems from Cloudflare security enhancements that were added by the platform developers a few weeks ago. We are waiting for the developers to provide solutions - we have just received a partial solution that will fix some of the problems encountered but not all.

    We apologize for any inconvenience this issue is causing, but please understand that we are doing everything in our hands to address and fix, as long as we have what is needed.

    Thank you for your patience while the developers continue to work on this.


  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,218

    Questions 6.1 and 18.1 have just been fixed.


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