LFS258 - exam

I am planning to take the LFS258 exam in the near future.
- I can use https://kubernetes.io/docs , can I also use the search engine built there? E.g. by typing "loadbalancer" and selecting the appropriate page. Can I enter the pages linked there? (E.g. https://killercoda.com/playgrounds/scenario/kubernetes)
Or do I have to use my bookmarks only?
- If I use a laptop can I have a monitor connected to it? Is the built-in camera on the laptop enough?
Please read carefully the Candidate Handbook to know all details about the exam, what is allowed and what is not. Bookmarks are not allowed, as you will see in the Handbook.
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Thanks. I learned that I can use the three documentation pages and their subpages and search on the kubernetes documentation page. Will these addresses be given during the exam or do I have to memorize them?
There is only information that I should show the keyboard and computer with the camera.... how to do it as the camera is built-in? In the requirements is that the camera must be able to scan 360 degrees, in that case I can pick up the laptop and rotate it showing the whole room? Does this mean that I have to buy an external camera?
There is information that there can be only one monitor, but what if I want to take the laptop and show the room? Then I will disconnect it from the monitor. Won't that be a problem?
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Please direct any exam-related questions to the Customer Support team at trainingsupport.linuxfoundation.org. Forums should only be used for course content related questions.
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The main purpose of the course is to prepare me to pass the exam.
Should I write to support regarding the exam questions? After all, everything works. It makes more sense to write to psionline.com. I'll wait maybe someone will appear who has enough knowledge to answer my questions. Thanks for your help.
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All LF exam related questions must be directed to the LF Customer Support team, not PSI, if you want informed responses - this also stipulated in the Candidate Handbook.
The Training and Certification teams are separate, and course forums are moderated by the Training team, not the Certification team - this is why we direct you to the Support team, as they handle all such questions, along with issues you may encounter during or after the exam.
The Linux Foundation Training Team
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@fcioanca said:
... this also stipulated in the Candidate Handbook.I guess I must have missed it because I couldn't find it anywhere.
The Training and Certification teams are separate, and course forums are moderated by the Training team, not the Certification team - this is why we direct you to the Support team, as they handle all such questions, along with issues you may encounter during or after the exam.
Thank you for the explanation. I will ask my questions in the appropriate place.
The Linux Foundation Training Portal User0 -
In the candidate handbook, under Additional Resources section, it is mentioned that if you need additional help (beyond the information provided in the document), to contact the Support team.
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I suspect I'll be waiting a bit for an answer at https://jira.linuxfoundation.org/ But I'm taking the exam in 1-2 weeks so I'll probably know something by then.
Thanks for your help.
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