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I think there is a minor typo. Correct me if I am wrong.

Dear Instructors and friends:
Hi, my name is Thomas Meng, a cyber security student. The LFS201 is an excellent course.
I think I found a typo, please correct me if I am wrong.
In Lesson 32, section chmod.

In the last bit of the article. I think there is a minor typo.

There are a number of different ways to use chmod. For instance, to give the owner and world execute permission, and remove the group write permission, use this command:

$ ls -l a_file


-rw-rw-r-- 1 coop coop 1601 Mar 9 15:04 a_file


$ chmod uo+x,g-w a_file
$ ls -l a_file


-rwxr--r-x 1 coop coop 1601 Mar 9 15:04 a_file

where u stands for user (owner), o stands for other (world), and g stands for group.

Permissions can be represented either as a bitmap, usually written in octal, or in a symbolic form. Octal bitmaps usually look like 0755, while symbolic representations look like u+rwx, g+rwx, o+rx. (HERE I think the Octal bitmaps 0755 should be 0775 to correspond to the correct group ownership)


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