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PSI Bridge Secure Browser Issue - Unable to reschedule CKAD Exam

imimivan Posts: 1
edited August 2022 in LFD259 Class Forum

There was issue with the PSI browser when I took the exam last time.
The remote machine within the browser has serious latency that is unbearable.
PSI support checked my laptop settings twice but wouldn't resolve it.
Tried reloading, reopening the browsers many times but the issue persisted.

The proctor suggest me reschedule the exam by reaching exam.supportDM@psionline.com

I email them, then I was told to reach Linux Foundation...

I opened a ticket with the LF Customer Support (TCCS-39565) but they don't respond...

I was thrown like a ball by different parties but no one really helped and allows me to reschedule the exam.


  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,219

    Hi Tse Kai,

    When did you open the ticket with the Linux Foundation Customer Support team? It may take several business days for them to respond.

    The Linux Foundation Training Team

  • gnuninu
    gnuninu Posts: 2

    Unfortunately I have reported the exact same problems with the PSI interface which made impossible to work with, i did my exam yesterday 16th of August 12:30-2:30 PM BST
    I have opened ticket TCCS-40169 asking if my take can be reinstated.

  • gnuninu
    gnuninu Posts: 2
    edited August 2022

    Ticket is resolved and my take reinstated. Support was very helpful. Anyway i hope there is a margin for improving things moving forward because the new PSI platform does not seem stable enough.

  • you get the issue, you report it, they let you write the exam once more maybe, on that same horrible platform, wishing that you would get a better result this time. As Einstein said - Insanity is doing the same mistake over and over again and expecting different results. But they won't correct it! Congrats!


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